EBTC Pioneering Change

Bridging Science and Public Health

Established in 2011 at the renowned Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, EBTC envisions the universal application of evidence-based methodologies to ensure public health, promote a healthy environment, and pave the way for a sustainable future. Inspired by the success of the Cochrane Collaboration in Evidence-based Medicine (EBM), EBTC works to develop a robust, evidence-based quality assurance process for new toxicity tests. These tests will play a crucial role in assessing the safety of both humans and our shared environment.

A Collaborative Effort

EBTC is a member-driven organization that brings together the international toxicology community to work collectively on the adaptation and development of evidence-based methods and frameworks. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate the use of scientifically sound evidence in making informed regulatory, environmental, and public health decisions. By fostering collaboration and leveraging collective expertise, EBTC is transforming the way we approach toxicology, and by extension, the way we protect our health and our planet.

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