Vision & Mission

At CAAT and CAAT Europe we’re on a journey to redefine the future of scientific research. Through our work, we aim to inspire, inform, and influence, serving as a beacon in the journey towards humane science.

Our Vision

To be the leading force in the development and use of reduction, refinement, and replacement alternatives in research, testing, and education to protect and enhance the health of the public.

Our Mission

Promote and support research in the development of in vitro and other alternative techniques.
Serve as a forum to foster discussion among diverse groups leading to creative approaches to facilitate acceptance and implementation of alternatives.
Provide reliable information on the science, philosophy, and public policy of alternatives to academia, government, industry and the general public.
Educate and train in the application of alternatives.
Alternatives are defined as new methods that refine existing tests by minimizing animal distress, reduce animal usage, or replace whole animal tests.
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