Alan and Helene Goldberg In Vitro Toxicology Grants
2025-2026 Grant

2025-2026 Grant period is now closed.
Updates for the 2026-2027 session will be made available soon.
Applicants with 2025-2026 session pre-proposals that were selected for the full proposal round will receive an email with further instructions.
2023-2024 Grant
For funding period 2023-24, CAAT granted two grants.
Laura Calvillo, Cardiology Research Laboratory, IRCCS Instituto
Title: The use of an advanced model of in-vitro hypertension to test theapeuitc properties of imidazo-pyrazolil Ureas in human endothelial cells under flow condition without the use of animals.
Laura Calvillo, Cardiovascular condition like hypertension needs preclinical models able to discriminate among consequences of mechanical blood pressure increase (i.e. shear-stress) and biochemical action of ANG II, in order to test new therapies in a way that allows to distinguish more specifically their mechanisms of action, thus improving the evaluation of efficacy. Animal model is too complex and classic in-vitro cell culture too simple, therefore, advanced in vitro tools, able to better reproduce physiological conditions without the confounding effects of the various organs of the organism, are needed (Marchesi et al. Plos One 2020 15, 1–16.; Vozzi et al Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011, 108, 2129–2140). The recent development of the IVTech Bioreactors-LivePa System, which will be employed in this project, provides for the first time an advanced model of hypertension without the need of animals. This system allows to compare the LivePa-dependent shear-stress effect with the biochemical action of ANG II on endothelial cells and to test potential protective effect of Imidazo-Pyrazolil Ureas (IPUs), (Selvatici et al European J. Pharmacology 718 (2013)428–434) (Brullo et al. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 47, (2012) 573-579). Therefore, the aim of this study is to stimulate HUVEC with LivePa or with ANG II, to separately mimic the two components of hypertensive stimuli, and then to treat them with the IPU selected among those able to inhibit hypertension-related inflammatory factors.
To this aim, HUVEC will be cultured in Bioreactor for 48 hours without flow to reach the confluence. Then, the flow will be started and cells will be treated with 1000 nM concentration of ANG II with or without IPU, vs LivePa-0.5 pressure increase with or without IPU, vs ANG II+LivePa with or without IPU. Appropriate positive and negative controls will be used. The optimal flow for HUVEC and the LivePa pressure parameters were set in our laboratory according to computational fluid dynamic model and device instructions. The following parameters will be assessed: morphological observation, viability test, p38 MAPK, NF-kB and hypertension-related cytokines production, which are factors playing an important role in hypertension (Calvillo et al. Nat Rev Cardiol 2019;16(8):476-490) (Dai et al. Sci Rep
[Internet]. 2016 Sep 10;6(1):27600). If IPU will have protective effects on cells through our innovative in vitro model, it will be possible to hypothesize their employment in new therapeutic applications for hypertension.
Mathieu Vinken, University of Brussel
Title: An animal-free approach for human safety testing of food additives
Mathieu Vinken, Several concerns have been raised in recent years regarding the safety of food additives. Among those are a number of colorants, sweeteners, anti-caking or glazing agents that have been shown to cause adverse effects in the liver of laboratory animals. The present project elucidates the mechanisms underlying these presumed hepatotoxic effects by incubating these food additives in tridimensional spheroid cultures of primary human hepatocytes and non-parenchymal liver cells. Through whole transcriptome templated oligo assay with sequencing read-out analysis and pathway analysis, a mechanistic scenario of the hepatotoxic effects induced by the food additives is established. This is substantiated by a series of translational and functional analyses of known triggers and key events in liver toxicity, in particular steatotic and cholestatic insults. Furthermore, the use of effects at the transcriptional level for setting limits for safe daily intake of food additives is explored. Overall, the outcome of the present project sheds more light onto the hepatotoxic potential of food additives and demonstrates the power of human-based in vitro experimentation for chemical risk assessment purposes.
About the Grant:
The grants program ( is a centerpiece of our work, providing initial funding for scientists to develop alternatives to the use of animals in biomedical research and product safety testing. To date, the center has funded over 300 grants (including renewals) for a total of more than $6 million.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) is soliciting projects that focus on the implementation of the NAS Report: Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy in the following areas:
- Proposals Relating to Toxicology: Maximum grant amount is $40,000. The objective should be to significantly reduce or replace laboratory animals. Examples of acceptable projects could include: providing mechanistic understanding of in vitro responses to toxicants in human cells, development of AOPs, or conducting systematic reviews. Consideration should be given to the translation of this new method to evaluate/predict health outcomes.
- Proposals relating to Refinement are awarded through a different funding mechanism: See Science-Based Refinement Awards – funded separately.
Although relatively small individually, these grants offer critical seed money that allows researchers to demonstrate the value of a particular area of study so they can gain support from the NIH and other sources.
We have a stringent, peer-reviewed process for selecting the recipients of these grants. This process consists of sending each application to at least two to three experts in the field from academic, industrial, and government institutions. These reviewers evaluate the applications with regard to scientific merit, budget appropriateness, suitability to CAAT’s mission, and expertise of the investigators. They also assign a priority score based on the scoring system used by the NIH.
At the CAAT annual advisory board meeting, these applications are reviewed by board members. Board members constitute the voting contingent for the grant applications and assign priority scores in a secret ballot format based upon a synopsis of the outside reviews and the board reviewers. The applications are then ranked in order of priority score and those that receive fundable scores are awarded funds based upon availability of money for the fiscal year.
We continue to monitor the long-term progress of the Research Grant Program by requiring our grant recipients to submit copies of publications resulting from the work supported by CAAT grant funds. We maintain a list of publications and an archive of journal reprints.